Why You Shouldn’t Do it Yourself

Dominion PRM helps Business

Social Media, Radio, Mobile, Email Campaigns, Pay Per Click, Old Faithful TV, and the list goes on. Everyone has a sales pitch telling you they can grow your business if you just go with them. The screaming from all directions can make you just say, “Forget it!” Is that what you really want or are you one of the few, the proud, the professional, the organization who will pay, but you just want results. Do all of these mediums work, which one works best? It may be a little self-serving but the fact is most methods work, however, it takes experience and wisdom to know how to work each method and for whom, a method is optimum.

DDIY This is the reason you need a PR or Marketing firm that you can hold accountable if reasonable results are not met. Simply put, you should desire to be the best at your business, and for that you expect to grow relationships with new customers and broaden relationships with current clients. This should be your main emphasis and thrust, not figuring out which delivery platform can make your mobile site load quicker and boost SEO. Let’s take a look at the other side of the coin, as a PR, Marketing or media company our business, our emphasis is knowing those details. It is knowing that your website is ranking lower on Search engines, because your landing page is all flash, with no verbiage or captions that a google bot is recognizing. It is our thrust, to tell you based on your target demographic of 25-39, that email campaigns with links or sign up list will be more effective than radio advertising and less expensive. If you put the aforementioned screaming in a pot and boil it down, we have the ability, the obligation, to pull out the distractions and leave you with only what works. If we are really good then we can monitor the plan given to you and give you reports on how our efforts are going and if changes need to be made. That peace of mind alone is worth the price of admission. There is no need to be a “Jack of all trades & Master of None” when the masters can be leveraged for your benefit.
It is key for organizations to develop a clear, path and purpose for what they will do and will not do as well as how they will do it. Marketing and PR, may (scratch that) WILL cause engagement between your organization and more donors, or clients, but if your part doesn’t match the advertisement, the public will not be back. The next Key to consider is that going after new clients while ignoring current ones is not a strategy that will benefit you. Studies show you will spend 3x the amount pursuing new clients than you would spend to keep the current ones. Additionally, we all know people talk, and if current customers feel neglected, or taken for granted not only will they make it known, they will entertain the good talk of others about your competition. A good firm or company will grow you internally and externally. They will push you and your organization to perform at a standard that will back up the campaigns and perceptions created for your expansion. Tools of engagement are multiplying daily, performance matrix are becoming more evolved, and it will continue. Managing this arena is not something an entrepreneur running in 5 directions should do. It is also not the task for a company whose focus is not in the arena of media and advertising. Pursuing marketing professionals, for your education and expansion will cause you to arrive at one conclusion; you should have done it wholeheartedly a long time ago.

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