Wherever your audience is we will help them find you.
- Healthcare Facilities
You have a website, you may have social media accounts, but do you have a targeted, powerful message? There are procedures that Dentists, Opthamologists, and medical professionals perform which have large margins and generate revenue that keep facilites profitable. You need expert and effective, monthly lead generation for those services. This brings new qualified clients every month and we do it at a fraction of the cost that you may be paying now. Providing servers that are secured to HIPPA standards, so medical records can be hosted and managed in house is an item Dominion PRM uniquely provides. Professional artwork, video, web and social media campaigns all working in concert for your benefit. Do you know how much you should pay for Pay per click advertising , on Facebook or Google adwords? We do. It’s time your voice was heard and we make sure its clear and professional.
- Political Campaigns & Causes
Crafting a message that energizes the faithful, while appealing to the new without compromising can be hard. Our strategies and research have worked for Grassroots organizations, local candidates, statewide candidates and those seeking congressional seats. Measuring and adjusting media strategies, such as social media and public appearances are needed and perfected by our team. We utilize a myriad of SEO strategies to insure your take on hot topics is easy to find, we develop compelling content on all information channels and we are experts at image and crisis management. So if you desire to get elected, wish to keep a positive image after being elected or want to support a cause or candidate our strategy and execution in this arena is a key to your success.
- Non-Profits & Government
Limited funds, financial accountability, leaders and teams that may not “gel”, and a slew of other characteristics separate your organization from other entities, but you still must present stellar results.We understand. Our team has spent a multitude of years in government commissions, boards and departments. We have been on the boards, and staffs of numerous non-profits. We have an intimate understanding of non-profits and know that you are competing for donors and volunteers. DominionPRM shows you how to compete effectively and win. Understanding limits, but seeing the opportunities. We use Marketing and PR to increase employee morale , retention and level of service. Enhancing your relationship, with the public, the employees and those you serve. Graphic Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing and Video creations aid in the process but only after the best strategy has been formulated. Our talents and team are a great fit for your unique circumstances.
- Ministries
This was our bread and butter for a long time. Over 25 years of marketing conferences, CD series and visions, but honestly anyone can do that. We know the ins and of ministry, why people leave and why they stay. Why your conference is not generating positive cash flow. Dominion PRM can help with your monthly updates and maintenace of your website. Dominion has encountered a number of Houses of Worship with great sites but no volunteer or staff that can maintain the site. We will fill that void. We take care of your graphic and commercial needs, but we also effectively grow your attendance and revenue, with proven strategies and recommendations. You are not looking for one time visitors, you are looking to permanently acquire new people, we have and can produce a plan that does that and it would be an honor to do so.
We will level with you. We did not start out intending that these areas would be the basis of our notoriety. Through our personnel and contracts over the last twenty years, we have accumulated an abundance of contacts, experience and knowledge and WE LOVE IT. If your organization is identified in these areas or desires to market to these areas we need to talk. Additionally, Dominion is very experienced in working with businesses to achieve and set marketing and public relations goals.
No more waiting. Contact us now. Let your organization be seen.